Monday 17 October 2011

Thing 23 Reflection - what next?

'6 word story'...23 great Things, LOTS of networking!

Reaching the final Thing is a great achievement, but also a sad moment. For the past few months there has been a challenge set every Monday morning...and sometimes a huge rush to get at least three things blogged before falling too far behind! I'll miss checking for the next Thing!

I recently submitted my Chartership application so have been in the habit of  using a PPDP for the last two years. I intend to keep up the good practice. Glancing at it just now I see that participating in CPD23 has helped me to achieve a lot of my proposed actions. It has also made me aware of 'things' I need to brush up on/learn...which in turn will add new challenges to my PPDP!

I do hope something like CPD23 comes around again and I would like to thank all the people who contributed to make this one so successful.

I'll miss you!

Thing 22 Volunteering to get experience

I've looked at this Thing from the opposite view!

My career in libraries started a long time ago (!) when jobs were much easier to get. Even when I sought to make changes there was always paid employment to apply for. I must admit I've stayed with my present employer for 21 years...though I have had various library roles in that time. I think I've done this because as I got older the thought of going through interviews became more daunting.
The last three years have been very difficult for employers and job security can no longer be guaranteed. I've started to look at flexible retirement and even voluntary redundancy. If this was to happen I may be looking to do some voluntary work in a local library!
I see this as a way of sharing my experience with new starters.

While I am still working I would be more than happy to have someone work with me in a voluntary capacity as a way for them to get on the career ladder.

Thing 21 Promoting yourself

The idea of 'identifying your strengths; capitalising on your interests' seemed new to me when I first read the introduction to Thing 21. As I read further, and began to make some notes, the link between the two became clear! The things we enjoy doing are the things we have the skills to be able to do well. By looking at what we do well in our personal lives we can transfer the skills to our working lives, ensuring we enjoy our time at work as well.
Fifth on my list of 'likes' is running a home! At first this may surprise you; the fact that it's there at all, not it's ranking! What soon becomes apparent, however, is that the skills I need to achieve that successfully are the main skills I use at work! Organising, keeping it fresh and up-to-date, balancing a budget, ensuring a safe environment...these are key points in my job description!
So I went to the top of my list to further test the theory!
I love visiting new places, home and abroad. I'm a member of the National Trust and try to support their work as much as possible. I also try to support events in my local area.  In order to do any of these activities I need to do planning and research. Internet skills are vital to ensure best deals on travel and hotels. Reading up on places, maps, recommendations etc are all available via Google. Checking for events, dates, times etc can be achieved by joining emailing lists. Bookmarking favourite sites ensures further searches are quick and easy.
Hang on...isn't this what I help students with every day? Researching for information, evaluating what they find, saving links to enable them to be cited and referenced properly etc etc.  So, once again, the skills I need to ensure I enjoy my leisure time are also used every day at work to enhance the student experience.
Even going to the theatre, gardening and reading require organisational skills just to fit them into a busy life! So, again, time management is a useful skill I can pass on at students, and to staff  I line manage.

Hey...I'm getting the hang of this!

I hadn't thought of the 'tools' I use every day as strengths...but of course they are. How else would I achieve what I do?

Monday 10 October 2011

Personal branding

I do feel I'm more well-known 'out there' now...and I'm happy to be so!

New horizons!

Thing 19 Integrating 'things'

The 'thing' I use the most from CPD23 is Twitter. I already had an account before the course started but I never really 'got' the point of it. Facebook I used for socialising outside of work but Twitter wasn't as popular with the same crowd.
Then I started CPD23 and suddenly saw Twitter as a work tool. By using the hashtag I was able to follow #ub11 and that was my lightbulb moment! I then started to follow many of the librarians who had contributed to Umbrella 11 and instantly I felt I was part of a 'circle.' As the weeks went by the circle grew and as well as work chat there was a lot of fun chat as well. I found myself becoming interested in knitting, looking at beautiful pics and the arrival of new kittens!
This mix of library chat and fun really makes me feel as if I belong. Last week when I was stuck with 'Thing 20' I put out an appeal for was offered within the hour. The librarian in question also emailed me twice the following day and stayed with me until the problem was fixed. I feel privileged to belong to such a friendly, helpful bunch of people.
Last Thursday I followed #uklibchat for almost two hours on the subject of CPD23! I really enjoyed that as my post 'a little extra...' outlines.
And on Saturday I followed #libcampuk11, wishing I was there! I was meant to be doing some serious housework, but couldn't resist frequent breaks to check Twitter!

Each day I log into HootSuite, keep it on my taskbar and check it regularly to keep up-to-date. At one time I would have considered this as something I shouldn't be doing at work but now I see it as an essential part of the job!

I should be using LinkedIn more, though I do pick up on discussions from there via Google Reader. This is something else I discovered by doing #cpd23.

Creating this blog is also a proud achievement!

Google calendar is something I would really like to use...but as a team tool. As I now have a Learning Technologist and a Curriculum Liaison Officer to keep tabs on I think sharing a calendar would be a very useful thing. Even using it for the whole of the ILS cross college team would be even better! (As our communication, or lack of it, needs working on!)

I've noticed my posts getting longer so I feel I'm now reflecting on things a lot more than I used to. I submitted my Chartership portfolio in July and my biggest concern is that I haven't reflected enough in it. I'm not used to writing down my reflections though I'm sure that in practice I've reflected on my performance for years. Whenever I've planned something I've always tried to get feedback, and have have looked at what I would/wouldn't do again if I repeated the exercise. I still found it hard to put my thoughts into words. I feel sure this course has got me thinking/reflecting in a more constructive way and I'm more confident to share my reflections.

Reflecting on the course so far has made me realise how much I have learned already, and how this will help me in my day-to-day work. I don't think I'm quite the novice who started off back in June!

Friday 7 October 2011

A little extra...

Yesterday I saw an event advertised for that evening..#uklibchat on the subject of CPD23. 6.30pm - 8.30pm. Ummmm...what am I usually doing then? Preparing food, eating food, slumped in front of the TV watching Eastenders that I don't even follow!!! Would I even remember the 'chat' once I was away from work?
I got home and got myself organised. Even had time to prepare some veg for the freezer before I cooked my evening meal. Sat down in a comfy chair with my food around 6.15pm still thinking...I'll join in with the chat if I can be bothered!
6.30pm came and I was curious...clicked on Twitter app on my iphone!
And was hooked!
Lively chat with some very interesting people soon took off. It was good to pose questions and get instant answers. Soon realised all of us participants in the same boat re techy probs and time constraints! Was like being in the same room as each other! We even got a pic of someones' dinner!
Talking of which...I had managed to finish mine (just!) when the chat started, but realised I still had a plate balanced on my lap one and a half hours later! I'd been so absorbed by the chat I hadn't even put it down on the floor!
I vote the event a TREMENDOUS success! I didn't get to a 'meet-up' earlier in the course but felt this was the next best thing!
Many thanks to those who organised it...and to those who took part and engaged in a lively chat!

Monday 3 October 2011

Thing 20 Roots/Routes

My dad        

was responsible for me getting into libraries. Throughout my school years I was an avid reader and a constant user of public libraries. (We lived in a small village that was served by a mobile library which we all used to call the 'bus library!')
After my A-levels I couldn't decide what to do...this was 1975 and jobs were a-plenty then! With hindsight I wish I'd gone to university, but the lure of a regular wage was too tempting!
But what to do?
Dad was obviously sick of me mooching around the house and one evening wafted the 'Situations Vacant' section of the local paper under my nose! In it was an advert for a library assistant at the then Sunderland Polytechnic. 'You love books...and libraries' he said, as if it was a foregone conclusion I would get the job!
And I did! Me, from my little village was going to work 'in town' in a very grand building. Would you believe I actually got a weekly wage packet with real money in it?!!!
And so began my love of working in libraries which I'm still doing today...36 years on. Not the same one I hasten to add...I've travelled about the country and across the sectors!

I stayed at the 'Poly' for nearly 4 years and in that time achieved my City and Guilds Library Assistants' Certificate. My teacher on the course was Lawrence Tagg, and for those of you who knew him you'll know I had a thorough grounding in the basics of librarianship! Back in the 1970s he wanted to pioneer qualifications for para took until the next millenium before that actually happened!

Armed with my 'Certificate' I applied for a job at our local general the Postgraduate Medical Library. It wasn't as grand as it sounded (this was the first proper library service the doctors had...they were used to having their loans written on a scrap of paper on the secretary's desk!))but it did give me more experience to add to my CV. I also met another librarian who inspired me.

After a year in this job I found myself moving to London (husband relocating for his job.) Once again (1980) jobs were a lot easier to come by...I simply wrote to both Kingston and Sutton library authorities asking about the possibility of work and both offered me interviews! I chose the Sutton offer and spent a wonderful 8 years working in a very dynamic, go-ahead service. I started in the branch libraries but was soon moved to the most impressive central library. Here I worked with some wonderful people who were keen to promote and advance public libraries. One summer I spent my working hours selling tickets for the Bubble Theatre performances in Nonsuch Park! And I remember fondly the Local History tours and fascinating books which were published. June Broughton was a great librarian to work for.
Again, with hindsight, I wish I had used those years to qualify as a professional librarian as there was no career structure for library assistants in those days. Still, I did gather a lot of practical experience and a tremendous enthusiasm for the profession.

Those happy years came to an end when my husband developed a brain tumour, and we moved back to the north-east as we needed the support of both families. I didn't work for a couple of years while I looked after him, then recovered after his death.

By the summer of 1990 I felt ready to 'get back to normal' and saw an advert in the local paper (the same one my dad had spotted the advert for Sunderland Poly in way back in 1975!) for a senior library assistant. This time the job was for a local FE college, in the library at their sixth form centre.  21 years later I'm still with the College...but am now Campus Librarian at its' newest sixth form build.
Yes...during these years things changed at CILIP!  A new Framework of Qualifications was introduced which allowed me to acquire ACLIP status. Having that helped me to be appointed to a campus librarian role in 2008. And , of course, being in a professional role allowed me to prepare a portfolio for Chartership which I submitted this summer. I've got everything crossed that I'm accepted as a Chartered member as I will feel that, at last, I'm there!

Talk about doing things the hard way! If I achieve Chartership status it will have taken me 36 years to 'arrive'
However, I'm proud that I stuck at it, did lots of CPD even when it wasn't trendy to do so and took advantage of the Framework when it came along.  I've worked with some amazing people who inspired me (and some who seemed to actively discourage me for whatever reason.)

In the last year the College has employed a Consultant to completely review and restructure Learning Services. She has changed my job title from campus librarian (which I was so proud of) to Learning Centre Co-ordinator (I've yet to meet anyone who can define this role!) I usually manage change well, but am finding this radical new way difficult to adapt to.

Have I finally reached the end of the road? My next birthday puts me in a position where I can make choices regarding flexible retirement. I'm tempted!
But if I achieve Chartership status you can bet your life I'll be looking for a new challenge!
I can't define exactly what has kept me in the profession for the whole of my working life. I haven't made huge strides like many others have. Personally, though, I have achieved a lot. A great sense of helping people to realise their potential. Lifelong friends. Just lately a good social networking scene.
If it really came to it would I walk away without a backward glance...I don't think so. As dad spotted all those years ago, a love of books and reading opened the door to a wonderful world of learning for me. I hope, along the way, I've been able to inspire this in many others.

Libraries forever!

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Thing 18 Jing/screen capture/podcasts

As I am following this course on my work computer I am unable to download the appropriate software. Along with several 'things' on the course I am simply gaining an awareness of what is out there at this stage. I do intend to revisit most of the Things again, probably at home (during the long, dark winter nights!) or take advantage of a skills audit prior to CPD days to request training on certain elements. I notice that Thing 19 is a catch up week on integrating Things we have already looked at and I intend to use the time to read around the subjects and evaluate their usefulness to me.
I am finding cpd23 very informative, and something I will refer back to during my work when I need to produce something 'snazzy,' share some information, or seek reassurance on something new I'm about to embark upon.

Thing 17 Prezi and Slideshare

I have seen Prezi used when our Vice Principal gives his termly briefings...he seems to love it! For this 'thing' I decided to log into and have a look. What caught my eye was the facility to import a PowerPoint I had previously created, and attempt to 'jazz' it up! All I achieved was to put some shapes over the existing slides...not very inspiring! My plan is to book a session with our Learning Technologist to be taught how to use it properly! I will do this because I can see how useful and effective it could be in my work.
I have used Slideshare when searching for ideas...but I don't feel I have anything of my own worth sharing, YET!

Saturday 3 September 2011

Thing 16 Advocacy

During the last few months the FE College I work for decided to review Learning Centre provision across its' five sites. Meetings were held inviting all Learning Centre staff to give their views on what currently existed in the way of provision, and where we saw our service going in the future. We were all encouraged to submit ideas which we believed would form part of the review. A Consultant was engaged, however, and within a few weeks she produced her report. It was obvious from the report that it was HER suggestions which were going to be implemented!
So, even though we tried to be very positive advocates for our service, in the end we were handed a blueprint which is now being rolled out.
I'm not knocking advocacy...I'm all for it, but you do need to remember who holds the purse-strings and how much power that gives them!  At one meeting the Consultant was heard to say: 'there will be those of you who want to go forward with this, and those who don't... will walk'  During such difficult economic times some of us in libraries are really having to fight for our own living as well as our service.

Thing 15 Attending/presenting/organising events

I have to admit...even the thought of attending a large event at the moment frightens me, let alone the terror of having to organise it or, horror of horrors, speak at it!!! My confidence is low and I need something to give me a boost. There have been major changes at work over the past few months, staff disrupted and disgruntled, new job descriptions to sign, and certainly a fear of the unknown. This is contagious and has left everyone feeling anxious.
My new job title is Learning Centre Co-ordinator...and I have to admit that I'm not totally sure what the role entails. If anyone out there is currently in this role I would love you to explain what it is you do! As Campus Librarian I was fine. I understood my role. Suddenly I've had a Curriculum Liaison Officer added to my team, and a Learning Technologist. I don't think I'll meet with Curriculum staff any longer or work directly with students on planning their assignments (which I so enjoyed.)
So as you can see, something BIG like an event would not be in my comfort zone right now! And yet, I have enjoyed attending lots of events in the past. Maybe some kind of meet-up locally is just what I need to make me feel purposeful once again.
Is there anything planned in the north-east???
See...I AM ready to attend something...I might even be ready to help organise something...just don't ask me to be a SPEAKER at anything yet!!!

Thing 14

Firstly, I've fallen behind in the Things v weeks.  Once GCSE results were published we've had students banging on the door every day to enrol for their A levels, BTECs etc. In these difficult economic times all College staff have to turn their hand to Enrolment, so I feel I haven't been a 'librarian' for a while now!
Returning to this course is a bit of a shock when I realise how far I've been out of my 'real' job. Seems ages since I worked with students on planning and preparing their research and producing bibliographies. Tools like those described in this 'Thing' seem way above the level of help I offer to 16 - 18 year olds. But I'm forgetting myself! I may wish to use such tools for work I'm doing myself, maybe not even connected with my job. I intend, therefore, to find some time to have a look at them and report back in a blog at a later date, hopefully!

Friday 19 August 2011

Thing 13 Google Docs, Dropbox and Wikis

Google Docs is something I have used once or twice...mainly as a collaborator on someone else's documents. I like it, and see the point of it. It is something I hope to develop in my workplace.
Dropbox looks very interesting, and useful. Downloading it at home is no problem, but work is a different matter. One of my colleagues was singing its' praises the other day so I asked her how she managed to download it at work...oh, she said, I have to download it on a daily basis!!!  Grrrrrrrrrrrr
I've been shown how to set up Wikis but have never seen the need to use them.

Monday 15 August 2011

Thing 12 Role of Social Media

I must admit I sat on this one all last week after the events of 6th - 8th August (riots.)  Social Media was getting bad press. Yes, it can build up networks in a negative way, but it also proved invaluable in fostering a sense of community spirit when it was used to rally a clean-up operation.
An extreme example of advantages and disadvantages!
For myself, being part of CPD23 has certainly intoduced me to ways of using social media sites for career development in a way I never 'got' before. I have made contact with so many people who I wouldn't normally meet, from all areas of the profession. I can access relevant professional reading so much quicker now by using tools like Google Reader and HootSuite.
And it doesn't all have to be work-related! Via Twitter I can follow all the painful steps of moving house from one contact, see lovely calming pics of gardens from another, and keep up with Gareth's multi-layered work/life balance (you know who I mean!) for great entertainment!
I have found social media can really foster a great sense of community, and for solo librarians especially that must be a huge benefit.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Thinking of everyone

Just want to send a hug to all who have been affected by the events of the last 3 nights....

Friday 5 August 2011


Sadly, until 2006 I  never felt I had access to a mentor. By then I had been a library assistant for 30 years, and had held positions in 5 different sectors of the library world. I worked with some wonderful people who taught me a lot of the basics of librarianship. I was considered a good assistant and soon reached senior status at para-professional level. But I was never encouraged to 'qualify'! In fact sometimes I felt I was 'discouraged'! (especially when I wasn't the best friend of the boss, didn't buy her children lots of presents and didn't stay regularly at her house!)
Prior to the new Framework of Qualifications I would have needed to attend Uni for about 5 years part time, as well as doing a full time job, in order to qualify.
Thankfully the Framework came along. At last I could take responsibility for my own professional development. I wasn't going to cost my employer the price of a degree, and release from work to attend Uni.
I could seek out a 'mentor'
Someone who would finally take an active interest in my career. Who didn't encourage an 'us' and 'them' situation.
And I met a brilliant mentor in Viki Lagus (sadly no longer with us.)  Her enthusiasm and encouragement was infectious! When she came to visit me in my workplace I used to wonder if my line manager was thinking: 'why don't I see the need to encourage my staff in professional development?'
After obtaining ACLIP I was determined to progress to Chartership. Again it was another mentor who kept me interest at all from line managers.
The portfolios are with CILIP at the moment and I await my results. If I am successful I will feel a great sense of personal achievement. But without the help of two wonderful mentors I doubt if I would have lasted the distance. They kept me on track, encouraged me when I had a 'wobble' and clearly defined the mentoring process for me. Sometimes all that is needed is a dose of reality! And an admission of one's weaknesses. The mentoring process fosters collegiality.
I now find that social networking is a form of mentoring...the sharing of tips and knowledge in a two-way process.
An interesting development of the mentoring process, with the rapid development of technology, is that often the 'new kids on the block' have as much, or more, to share with older colleagues. The generational gap, educational gap and age gap in librarianship means we should be learning from one another in a 'sharing program.'

(the final paragraph above is my 'take' on the ideas in the article referenced below)

Paula Short
August 2011

Experiences...Thing 10

I'm going to cheat here and claim that what I blogged in'Thing' 7 also answers this 'Thing'
I entered the profession as a library assistant and was happy with that for many years. I progressed as far as I could as a para-professional, joining the LA (now CILIP) as an affiliate member. I attended lots of CPD events and kept up-to-date with the profession.
I was delighted when the Framework of Qualifications was launched and soon started gathering evidence for Certification. I wasn't successful first time around...but with the help of a brilliant mentor (more of this in the next Thing) I was successful second time.
Having ACLIP enabled me to get my first professional post...and since April 2009 I have been working on my Chartership application.
This new route has allowed me to achieve things I never thought I would and I feel very proud to belong to the profession. Social networking allows me to 'meet' so many interesting members of that profession and share tips, knowledge etc.
Libraries (and Librarians)...long may they live!

Friday 29 July 2011

Thing 9 Evernote

Will have to 'play' with this at home as we are not allowed to download software to work pc's.
It looks good, and I feel I would use it.
Anyone got any views on it???

Right...I'm feeling smug cos I've caught up. I can now have a guilt-free weekend! (Apart from how much I might eat or drink!)

Hope you all have a great weekend too!

Paula x

Happy reminders of my recent holiday!

Lunch...and happy faces!

We have a group of schoolchildren from China at our College, and today is their last day. A very tasty buffet lunch was served up and I was invited to join in. Yum Yum!
I have to say what a pleasure it was to have such happy, polite students in the Centre...good morning, please and thank you were the norm. And a low level of studious activity in the Learning Centre was a treat to behold!
English children take note!


Google calendar has just reminded me it's time for lunch!!! yessssssssssssssss

Holidays are no good for me!

Have just realised I haven't tagged my last few posts to cpd23!!!

Is it just me?

...or is there massive information overload???

Think I need my lunch!!!

Google Calendar

Finding this very frustrating!!!
At work, went to set up Google calendar. Message across top of screen:
Your browser does not support all features of Google Calendar. If you are having problems, try Google Chrome. Hide
...think I will just HIDE!
No, I kept going, and set it up. Added events.
Asked a colleague if he used it, and if so does it open automatically each day. Glanced at his screen. OMG! Thought he was at the controls of a jumbo jet!!!  Oh, that's Hoot Suite he says!!!
Then he says...just use the calendar on Outlook web access as you have your emails open all the time! (ie don't bother with Google calendar)
Not sure I will use Google Calendar if I have to remember to log into my Google account each day. Or am I missing something vital here??? I thought once the calendar was set up it would open when I logged on to my pc and would remind me of upcoming events. Where's my diary........

Thing 7

I have been a member of CILIP for 20 years now and have found it invaluable in furthering my career. Apart from one librarian, no-one at my place of work was remotely interested in belonging to a professional organisation (LA at the time.) It was never mentioned in job adverts, person specs etc.
But I saw the point of it...and have stuck with it. I have attended many CILIP events and always find them very well organised and professional. Face-to-face networking was always a high point of the event, something social networking can never quite replace. (Though it is invaluable in these difficult economic times when funding is not available to attend conferences etc.)
When the new Framework of Qualifications emerged I was delighted that at last there was a progression route for para-professionals.  I obtained ACLIP in 2008, and have just submitted my portfolio for Chartership membership...fingers crossed!
I was sorry that I missed the meet-ups that happened all over the country during the week of this 'Thing'. I was on holiday, networking in a different way! I do hope these meet-ups happen again as I would love to attend one!
I am a member of both CoFHE and U,C&R and am pleased to see a merger on the cards!

Falling behind...again!!!

Thing 6   Online Networks

At the College where I work we have gone from actively preventing students from 'wasting time' on sites like Facebook, to 'talking to them this way' on all sorts of subjects.
It was frowned on for staff to be seen 'social networking' but suddenly our staff intranet page has links to LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter etc.
I had already set up Facebook and LinkedIn accounts a long time before this, and used to check the sites at home. Now I feel fine about checking these at work, although I have to admit I keep Facebook purely for social use. A lot of my 'friends' are work colleagues, however, so chat is often about things connected with work (loosely!)
I don't think I use LinkedIn to its' full potential and this is something I am going to add to my PPDP (I have recently applied for Chartership, but intend to keep my PPDP up to date and use it as a working tool.
I have joined LISNPN but again, don't really do much with it. As my working conditions prevent me from attending many events offsite I really should make more use of online networking.
Since starting this course I have set up a blog, follow other blogs, and joined Google Reader in order to make it easy for me to check posts easily.
I still feel a bit 'guilty' sometimes when I'm online networking at if others think I'm just 'playing about' on Facebook!
I need to see the whole social networking thing as work-related, and by being better known and better connected I will be better equipped to do my job well

Friday 15 July 2011

Thing 5

as we approach the end of Thing 5 I have some very positive reflection to share re Twitter.
At last I get it! Well, for work purposes anyway!
I followed Umbrella 2011 on Twitter this week...felt I was actually there...and sent regular Tweets! Because of this I got replies in real time, and also some followers! Great networking at a conference I wasn't physically at.
If I hadn't joined CPD23 I would never have applied Twitter to my working life, would not have followed #ub11 and would not have learned all that I did. So glad I am doing this personal development...I can actually see benefits every week and can apply them immediately to my work.
I await more Things with anticipation!

Have a good weekend everyone!

Monday 11 July 2011

Catching up!

I was on holiday last week so am playing catch up now!
I already have a Twitter account which I find very useful for keeping up-to-date. I'm not sure about using the # ...can anyone explain it simply???
I followed the instructions for using RSS so hopefully I'll find this useful for checking things quickly.  I'm just practising at the moment but hope to start using these tools at work in a meaningful way very soon.
I haven't tried Pushnote yet but I will have a look at it when I have a spare moment!
I'm enjoying the 'course' so far and feel it is gently intoducing me to 'new' ideas which I should be thinking about now in my everyday life and work.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Branding...sounds painful!

I Googled my name and the first hit was my LinkedIn account. Then followed Facebook. JustGiving was next in the list and it was nice to see I wasn't just a gossip!  But Twitter came hot on it's heels so I guess I am!!!
I was sorry not to see this blog...then realised I have used only my first names for it, and not my surname. Now I see why consistency is best. It would be much better to link all my activity on the internet.
I also need to create links to my social networking on my blog.

Nothing came up that I wouldn't want employers etc to see. I'm very careful what I say in public forums...that's an age thing I guess!  At work we are reminded to be very careful how we use social networking as we work with young people (although for them ANYTHING goes on Facebook etc!)

If you are reading this post can I ask you to comment on what you see on my blog and what you think it says about me. Who do you think 'Paulamarie' is?

Friday 24 June 2011

It's Friday!!!

We've made it to Friday...and the sun is shining!!! 
I have enjoyed setting up my blog, reading other blogs, following some and even acquiring one follower myself!
However, IT issues at work seem to prevent me leaving posts on people's blogs...or is it just me being stupid?
I've tried to comment on several blogs, including cpd23, but none of my messages appear :-(
Any ideas, anyone?
From the blogs I read it seems we are a very diverse, interesting bunch of people...many experts, but thankfully some novices like me!
When I join you all on Monday I will have been told that morning (in a restructure meeting) if I still have a job, and if so what the new job description entails...
Must make sure I have a GOOD weekend...same to you all xxx

Monday 20 June 2011


I've just had a look at some blogs...and they all look so professional!  I can see I have a lot to learn.

Day one...and we're off!!!

I'm a very old librarian(!) with 30+ years experience of the usual things...but not much knowledge of the 23 Things! Well, not the techy Things!
I rely a lot on my younger staff for that!
However, I now own an iPhone...use Twitter and Facebook quite a lot...and am ready to be dragged into the 21st century (gently, please!)
Blogging is completely new to me and I need all the help I can get with it! I welcome any hints and tips.
I'm looking forward to meeting new 'friends'

Back soon with new blogs...hopefully!
