Monday, 17 October 2011

Thing 23 Reflection - what next?

'6 word story'...23 great Things, LOTS of networking!

Reaching the final Thing is a great achievement, but also a sad moment. For the past few months there has been a challenge set every Monday morning...and sometimes a huge rush to get at least three things blogged before falling too far behind! I'll miss checking for the next Thing!

I recently submitted my Chartership application so have been in the habit of  using a PPDP for the last two years. I intend to keep up the good practice. Glancing at it just now I see that participating in CPD23 has helped me to achieve a lot of my proposed actions. It has also made me aware of 'things' I need to brush up on/learn...which in turn will add new challenges to my PPDP!

I do hope something like CPD23 comes around again and I would like to thank all the people who contributed to make this one so successful.

I'll miss you!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

LOTS of networking. It'll be strange not doing this anymore. I'm wondering how often my Google Reader will show unread posts now...