Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Thing 18 Jing/screen capture/podcasts

As I am following this course on my work computer I am unable to download the appropriate software. Along with several 'things' on the course I am simply gaining an awareness of what is out there at this stage. I do intend to revisit most of the Things again, probably at home (during the long, dark winter nights!) or take advantage of a skills audit prior to CPD days to request training on certain elements. I notice that Thing 19 is a catch up week on integrating Things we have already looked at and I intend to use the time to read around the subjects and evaluate their usefulness to me.
I am finding cpd23 very informative, and something I will refer back to during my work when I need to produce something 'snazzy,' share some information, or seek reassurance on something new I'm about to embark upon.

Thing 17 Prezi and Slideshare

I have seen Prezi used when our Vice Principal gives his termly briefings...he seems to love it! For this 'thing' I decided to log into and have a look. What caught my eye was the facility to import a PowerPoint I had previously created, and attempt to 'jazz' it up! All I achieved was to put some shapes over the existing slides...not very inspiring! My plan is to book a session with our Learning Technologist to be taught how to use it properly! I will do this because I can see how useful and effective it could be in my work.
I have used Slideshare when searching for ideas...but I don't feel I have anything of my own worth sharing, YET!

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Thing 16 Advocacy

During the last few months the FE College I work for decided to review Learning Centre provision across its' five sites. Meetings were held inviting all Learning Centre staff to give their views on what currently existed in the way of provision, and where we saw our service going in the future. We were all encouraged to submit ideas which we believed would form part of the review. A Consultant was engaged, however, and within a few weeks she produced her report. It was obvious from the report that it was HER suggestions which were going to be implemented!
So, even though we tried to be very positive advocates for our service, in the end we were handed a blueprint which is now being rolled out.
I'm not knocking advocacy...I'm all for it, but you do need to remember who holds the purse-strings and how much power that gives them!  At one meeting the Consultant was heard to say: 'there will be those of you who want to go forward with this, and those who don't... will walk'  During such difficult economic times some of us in libraries are really having to fight for our own living as well as our service.

Thing 15 Attending/presenting/organising events

I have to admit...even the thought of attending a large event at the moment frightens me, let alone the terror of having to organise it or, horror of horrors, speak at it!!! My confidence is low and I need something to give me a boost. There have been major changes at work over the past few months, staff disrupted and disgruntled, new job descriptions to sign, and certainly a fear of the unknown. This is contagious and has left everyone feeling anxious.
My new job title is Learning Centre Co-ordinator...and I have to admit that I'm not totally sure what the role entails. If anyone out there is currently in this role I would love you to explain what it is you do! As Campus Librarian I was fine. I understood my role. Suddenly I've had a Curriculum Liaison Officer added to my team, and a Learning Technologist. I don't think I'll meet with Curriculum staff any longer or work directly with students on planning their assignments (which I so enjoyed.)
So as you can see, something BIG like an event would not be in my comfort zone right now! And yet, I have enjoyed attending lots of events in the past. Maybe some kind of meet-up locally is just what I need to make me feel purposeful once again.
Is there anything planned in the north-east???
See...I AM ready to attend something...I might even be ready to help organise something...just don't ask me to be a SPEAKER at anything yet!!!

Thing 14

Firstly, I've fallen behind in the Things v weeks.  Once GCSE results were published we've had students banging on the door every day to enrol for their A levels, BTECs etc. In these difficult economic times all College staff have to turn their hand to Enrolment, so I feel I haven't been a 'librarian' for a while now!
Returning to this course is a bit of a shock when I realise how far I've been out of my 'real' job. Seems ages since I worked with students on planning and preparing their research and producing bibliographies. Tools like those described in this 'Thing' seem way above the level of help I offer to 16 - 18 year olds. But I'm forgetting myself! I may wish to use such tools for work I'm doing myself, maybe not even connected with my job. I intend, therefore, to find some time to have a look at them and report back in a blog at a later date, hopefully!