Friday, 7 October 2011

A little extra...

Yesterday I saw an event advertised for that evening..#uklibchat on the subject of CPD23. 6.30pm - 8.30pm. Ummmm...what am I usually doing then? Preparing food, eating food, slumped in front of the TV watching Eastenders that I don't even follow!!! Would I even remember the 'chat' once I was away from work?
I got home and got myself organised. Even had time to prepare some veg for the freezer before I cooked my evening meal. Sat down in a comfy chair with my food around 6.15pm still thinking...I'll join in with the chat if I can be bothered!
6.30pm came and I was curious...clicked on Twitter app on my iphone!
And was hooked!
Lively chat with some very interesting people soon took off. It was good to pose questions and get instant answers. Soon realised all of us participants in the same boat re techy probs and time constraints! Was like being in the same room as each other! We even got a pic of someones' dinner!
Talking of which...I had managed to finish mine (just!) when the chat started, but realised I still had a plate balanced on my lap one and a half hours later! I'd been so absorbed by the chat I hadn't even put it down on the floor!
I vote the event a TREMENDOUS success! I didn't get to a 'meet-up' earlier in the course but felt this was the next best thing!
Many thanks to those who organised it...and to those who took part and engaged in a lively chat!


Annie Gleeson said...

Hi Paula, I'm really glad you enjoyed the chat! I could only be there for the first hour unfortunately, but have taken part in previous #uklibchats and completely sympathise with dinner going cold on your lap while you're merrily tweeting away, as you do get hooked when there's a lively chat going on. I hope to see you at future #uklibchats :)

Nikki said...

I saw the write up afterwards and wished I'd taken part. It's a bit different when there's other people expecting to eat dinner when it's taking place though. I think I'll have to resign myself to being a lurker and reader afterwards :-(