Friday, 29 July 2011

Thing 7

I have been a member of CILIP for 20 years now and have found it invaluable in furthering my career. Apart from one librarian, no-one at my place of work was remotely interested in belonging to a professional organisation (LA at the time.) It was never mentioned in job adverts, person specs etc.
But I saw the point of it...and have stuck with it. I have attended many CILIP events and always find them very well organised and professional. Face-to-face networking was always a high point of the event, something social networking can never quite replace. (Though it is invaluable in these difficult economic times when funding is not available to attend conferences etc.)
When the new Framework of Qualifications emerged I was delighted that at last there was a progression route for para-professionals.  I obtained ACLIP in 2008, and have just submitted my portfolio for Chartership membership...fingers crossed!
I was sorry that I missed the meet-ups that happened all over the country during the week of this 'Thing'. I was on holiday, networking in a different way! I do hope these meet-ups happen again as I would love to attend one!
I am a member of both CoFHE and U,C&R and am pleased to see a merger on the cards!

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