Monday 11 July 2011

Catching up!

I was on holiday last week so am playing catch up now!
I already have a Twitter account which I find very useful for keeping up-to-date. I'm not sure about using the # ...can anyone explain it simply???
I followed the instructions for using RSS so hopefully I'll find this useful for checking things quickly.  I'm just practising at the moment but hope to start using these tools at work in a meaningful way very soon.
I haven't tried Pushnote yet but I will have a look at it when I have a spare moment!
I'm enjoying the 'course' so far and feel it is gently intoducing me to 'new' ideas which I should be thinking about now in my everyday life and work.


Radoveden said...

The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used in Twitter to mark keywords.
The best way to try it out is to search in twitter on different term starting
with # like #cam23, #cpd23 (this course), #lib, #drupal etc.
As a matter of fact it is just an agreement between the users of Twitter.
That is my view on it, anyhow

Radoveden (

Radoveden said...

About # again: see also for a clear explanation

Paulamarie said...

thanks for explanation...I'm finding this cpd23 very useful for learning things and meeting new people!